AmigaOS3.5 (426/967)

From:Xavier Messersmith
Date:15 May 2000 at 03:07:01
Subject:icon.library's bug (Re: EditPad's Bug)

On 14-May-00, wrote:
> Gianluca Molinari wrote:
>> I have find a probably bug in EditPad tool. When i drop a text file on it's
>> AppIcon, the system totally freeze. This problems persist in all conditions
>> and configurations that I've tryed.
> I second this terrible bug -- my system freezes also.
> (A4000T/060/PPC604e/CyberVisionPPC).

I'll bet a dollar its the bug I discovered so many months ago.

The OS3.5 icon library will freeze the GUI of the system (network/audio/disk
stuff will keep running) if an icon us updated while somehting else locks the
screen (say dragging/rescaling a window or using a menu).

This is easily reproducable and I have heard of no efforts to fix it.
Which angers me.

Since I'm betting someone will ask,

Sebastian Bauer wrote on December 19th, 1999:
> You can reproduce this bug easily. Insert a disk. Press right mouse
> button and hold it pressed. Remove the disk and release the button
> after that...The same for window sizing. I've reported this bug so it
> is very probable that this will be fixed (Olaf ist very good at it ;-) ).

A cause I know of well is the YAM appicon, which if you happen to do one of
those screen locking operations mentioned above right at the beginning or end
of a mail check (times when the appicon is updated) the system will be pretty
much frozen.

YAM has no option to turn this off, but it won't complain if you take the
files and out of the Icons directory.

Marcel has shown no sign of putting the option to turn it off in the YAM
preferences. Heck, he hasn't shown me any sign hes been alive for the past few

Oh, guess why "IT ALL FREEZES!!!" is in my signature line. :-)

__ /\ /\__ /\ :
__ //// /\ /\/\ / / _\ / /\ |
\\\/// __ \/ \/ / \/ __ \ | A-2000 39M 030/882/50
\\/ \/ \/\/\/\/\/ \__/\/ \/ : IT ALL FREEZES!!!

Phone bills too big? Don't worry, beMANY!